6.6kV digital soft-start is `UK’s first`
Softstart UK claims to have designed and built the UK’s first home-grown, digitally-controlled, medium-voltage soft-starter. The first installation, rated at 3.3kV, 110A, is due to be commissioned soon. The currents drawn by high-power motors usually require them to be installed on medium voltage supplies – typically 3.3 or 6.6kV. However, the starting torque surges of these motors can do a lot of damage and soft-starts can offer protection as well as smooth current and torque control.
Softstart’s MV soft-starters cover supplies up to 6.6kV and 720A, with a 400% overload for 30s, making them suitable for motors up to 6.7MW. The company is planning to extend the range up to 11kV, 700A. A 3.3kV soft-starter costs about a fifth as much as a variable speed drive.
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